Friday, January 06, 2012

Petition the UK Prime Minister about the Great British Tax Scandal

Avaaz is running the following petition which they aim to present to Prime Minister David Cameron next week. Sign up here, and please, please pass the link on to your friends and colleagues: our politicians are very sensitive on this issue and petitions make a huge difference both in terms of generating pressure and raising public awareness.


The Great British Tax Scandal

tax chief had secret lunches with Vodafone and Goldman Sachs and then handed them billions in tax breaks – while keeping Parliament in the dark!

MPs are outraged, claiming we are owed over 25 billion pounds in back taxes from these and similar dodgy deals. But the tax agency has blocked an inquiry into the scandal and refuses to release documents to shed light on why these tax breaks were ordered in the first place.

By acting together now we can ensure full transparency on the Goldman Sachs and Vodafone deals, and get them to pay the tax they owe. Let’s turn up the heat -- sign the petition to David Cameron for tax justice -- we’ll deliver it with a splash next week.


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